Harnessing the Power of True Artificial Intelligence (TAI)
Harnessing the Power of True Artificial Intelligence (TAI)
So what is Geometric Learning?
Our biological brains learn by using the power of geometric learning.
It can be pictured using a simple example of multiplying pennies.
Our brains think by using the math of geometric learning, but we will never see this from the decades old AI technology being developed by much of academia and the BigTech companies today.
Their AI is the equivalent of starting out with a single penny, and after each learning cycle, just making the penny a little shinier.
Most of BigTech’s AI applications are based on 1990's technology called neural networks, and because they are built with state devices [see the definition of state devices], they cannot demonstrate this astronomical power of geometric learning that biological neurons and the Massively Asynchronous Machine can demonstrate.
The learning behavior of their artificial neural networks is a process of “gradient descent”, conducted through what is called a back-propagation cycle.
Through the iterations of the back-propagation cycle, all of the elements in an artificial neural network move an “error target” towards a smaller and smaller value, a process of ever-decreasing learning for each cycle. In the end, just a shinier penny.
From the standpoint of artificial intelligence, it's like cutting your lumber before the house blueprints are even drawn up.
Contrast this with the geometrically increasing learning as biological neurons and MAM units conduct their reciprocal cycles, starting off with a small number of neurons participating in the abstraction process, with each cycle adding a geometrically increasing population to the learning. Pennies to riches.
Because the neurons in our brains and the units in a Massively Asynchronous Machine learn in geometrically increasing increments, they can achieve the critical mass for intelligence.
The AI research used by BigTech today uses decades old technology that just defines some abstract world, which cannot deal with the real apprehensions of Time and Space that most people associate with “artificial intelligence”.
Yea, from an emotional standpoint, developing true artificial intelligence that learns in geometric leaps and bounds can seem ominous to some people, somewhat like inventing dynamite with a fuze that lights itself. But it doesn’t have to be feared. Nature always constrains the forces in the universe.
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